Shishudibas (Children’s Day) tells the story of a journey from the rural outskirts to the bustling metro chasing the hope of a miraculous cure and a chance of life for a child and his family. Being referred to the hospital in the big city, Sarama and Gokul risk it all in their desperate bid to save the life of their newborn child.
Staged on the background of November 14th, a day hailed as Children’s Day, the play places a seething attack on the hypocrisy within our society.
Playwright: Mainak Sengupta (based on a short story written by Dibyendu Palit)
Direction: Kallol Nandi
Arko Pandit, Rina Chakravorty, Kallol Nandi, and Subhadeep Ghosh.
Sound and Technical Support: Kaushik Bardhan
Panodrama 2021 organized by Brishchik and Bhindeshi, Seattle, WA, USA on Saturday, November 13th, 2021
Will be published soon……….